Scholarships in USA

Do you have any scholarships in USA for undergraduate?

Hi Muhammad Tariq,

You can take a look at our list of the best scholarships in the USA and explore our database of USA scholarships.

Hi, I’m John Unique and I’ll like to study petrol chemical engineering, please are there fully funded scholarships available for freshman

5 universities are need-blind for international students: Yale University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Harvard University, Princeton University, and Amherst College. Provided that you have the profile they are looking for, you will get admitted regardless of your financial situation.

There are other universities with a need-aware admission policy, and most of these universities are ready to meet 100% of your demonstrated need. There is a comprehensive list of these universities that you may find online. You can apply to those universities and colleges if you want to increase your chances of getting financial aid.

Most other colleges are ready to offer financial aid, but the financial need package will most likely only cover tuition or a percentage of it.